Knowledge and Skills Statement
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell.
Demonstrated Proficiency of SLA.1.2.A.ii
Pídales a los estudiantes que digan cuáles dos palabras de cada línea empiezan con el mismo sonido.
- Tres, pez, tristes (tres/tristes)
- Ruido, rueda, fuera (ruido/rueda)
- Foca, boca, bola (boca/bola)
- Fuego, funda, tunda (fuego/funda)
- Trompo, ronco, tronco (trompo/tronco)
Supporting Information for SLA.1.2.A.ii
Murray, B. (2012). TELL ME ABOUT FRED'S FAT FOOT AGAIN: Four Tips for Successful PA Lessons. The Reading Teacher, 66(2), 139–144. Retrieved from
Summary: Murray provides four tips for successful phonemic awareness lessons: 1) focus on the individual phoneme; 2) make the phoneme memorable; 3) help children detect the phoneme in spoken words; and 4) apply phonemic awareness to reading.