Knowledge and Skills Statement
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell.
Demonstrated Proficiency of SLA.1.2.A.i
Pídales a los estudiantes que digan dos palabras que rimen con las palabras siguientes:
- Jugar, bailar (cantar, temblar, sanar, pelear, lugar, rural, tamal)
- Hacer, coser (beber, traer, comer, saber, ser, alfiler, ayer, mujer)
- Reír, abrir (batir, cubrir, decir, dormir, medir, mentir, salir, vivir)
- Casa, masa (grasa, raza, pasa, traza, balsa, taza, guasa)
- Diente, gente (miente, frente, fuente, puente, cuente, cliente)
Supporting Information for SLA.1.2.A.i
Yopp, H., & Yopp, R. (2000). Supporting Phonemic Awareness Development in the Classroom. The Reading Teacher, 54(2), 130–143. Retrieved from
Summary: Yopp and Yopp describe phonemic awareness and provide ideas for activities that focus on rhyme, syllable manipulation, onset-rime manipulation, and phoneme manipulation.