1666 TEKS header image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Earth and space. The student knows that the natural world includes earth materials and systems that can be observed.

The following is an example of how to assess proficiency of this student expectation (SE) or a portion of the SE.

Students might explain that they know that air is around us because they can feel the wind on their skin. They might also observe the leaves moving on a tree with nothing visible touching them and recognize that the air must be moving the leaves. Provide students with tools such as windsocks, ribbon, or pinwheels. Ask them to hold the object still in a space where there is little air movement and describe what is happening. Students should observe that the object doesn't move. Then take them outside or turn on a fan. Ask students what happens to the object. They should be able to explain that the object is moving and it is due to the wind (or moving air).

The further explanation is designed to be a resource for educators that helps them better understand the topic their students are learning. Further explanations may be written at a more complex level than would be expected for students at the grade level.

Evidence of air around us may be gathered through demonstrations of moving air. When items such as windsocks, pinwheels, and ribbons move in the wind, students may describe that motion as evidence that air is present. Another way students might observe evidence of air is to blow air into a balloon. When they blow into the balloon, it expands due to the air they blew into it. 

Glossary terms and definitions are consistent across kindergarten through high school in the TEKS Guide. The definitions are intended to give educators a common understanding of the terms regardless of what grade level they teach. Glossary definitions are not intended for use with students.
the mixture of gasses that surrounds Earth and which plants and animals need to live

data that supports a hypothesis or an argument and is observable through the senses or technology

a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole