Knowledge and Skills Statement
Hettiarachchi, Tamshi, Victoria M. Schilling, Todd Campbell, Jane O'Donnell, and Janine Caira. “Army Ants and Their Guests: Learning From the Miniature Societies of Army Ants as a Model for Understanding Group Behavior and Natural Selection.” Science Scope 43, no. 8 (2020): 44–53. https://digital.nsta.org/publication/?i=657639&article_id=3655245&view=articleBrowser
Summary: "Army Ants and Their Guests: Learning From the Miniature Societies of Army Ants as a Model for Understanding Group Behavior and Natural Selection" focuses on a possible unit on army ant group behavior and how natural selection has shaped the evolution of other insects, "guests" that are closely associated with them.
Kovach, Amy L. “Adapting to the Environment: Helping Students Understand Natural Selection.” The Science Teacher 70, no. 2 (2003): 30–33. https://www.proquest.com/docview/214617628/fulltextPDF/D830EB5E597408DPQ/14?accountid=7113&sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals
Summary: “Adapting to the Environment: Helping Students Understand Natural Selection” provides a synopsis of research on peppered moths and their adaptations and possible classroom activity to simulate the natural selection process leading to these adaptations. Specific connections between predator/prey relationships, the importance of the adaptive value of traits within an organism's genetics, and how variation and camouflage influence natural selection.