Earth and space. The student knows that earth materials and products made from these materials are important to everyday life.

Knowledge and Skills Statement
Have students design and develop a water conservation poster for their school that includes information on why conservation is important. Student responses should demonstrate that they understand that usable freshwater is not unlimited and that conserving water makes it available to more organisms for a longer period of time.
"Crawford, Elizabeth, and Thea Monison. “Drop by Drop: First Graders Learn About Water, Sanitation, and Conservation.” Social Studies and the Young Learner 24, no. 2 (2011): 9–13.
Summary: Students can be introduced to the concept of conservation using children's literature and have the class respond using writings and drawings. This article explains that water conservation can help reinforce other science, math, language, social studies, and life skills. Teachers should start with probing questions that activate students' prior knowledge to help students develop a personal response when teaching the importance of water conservation. The article proves some common misconceptions students have about clean drinking water and activities that can combat those misconceptions.