1666 TEKS header image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Science concepts. The student knows and applies the laws governing motion in a variety of situations.

The further explanation is designed to be a resource for educators that helps them better understand the topic their students are learning. Further explanations may be written at a more complex level than would be expected for students at the grade level.

Speed and distance are not used to describe one- and two-dimensional motion because they do not indicate a direction.  
When describing horizontal motion, motion to the right is usually considered positive and motion to the left is considered negative. With vertical motion, motion up is usually positive and motion down is negative.

Glossary terms and definitions are consistent across kindergarten through high school in the TEKS Guide. The definitions are intended to give educators a common understanding of the terms regardless of what grade level they teach. Glossary definitions are not intended for use with students.

an act, process, or instance of changing position or location

a quantity that is fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone

a quantity that is fully described by both a magnitude and a direction


Admoko, Setyo. "Could Physics Teachers Also Have Misconceptions on Basic Kinematics," Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2623, no.1 (2023): 012025.
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2623/1/012025 2623 012025.

Summary This research aims to describe the use of car toys with Videos (TwV) in introducing Kinematics. This research specifically also provides information on the advantages and disadvantages of using TwV in learning Physics.