Knowledge and Skills Statement
W.-Ü Lydia Tchang-Brillet, Ali Meftah, Djamel Deghiche, Jean-François Wyart, Christian Balança, Norbert Champion, and Christophe Blaess. "Laboratory Studies of Vacuum Ultra-Violet (VUV) Emission Spectra of Heavy Element Ions." International Astronomical Union.Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 15, (2019): 84-88. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743921320000307
Summary: Reliable spectroscopic data are needed for the interpretation and modeling of observed astrophysical plasmas. For heavy element ions, which have complex spectra, experimental data are rather incomplete. We are carrying out laboratory studies of high-resolution VUV emission spectra of moderately charged ions of transition metals and rare earth elements. Examples of studies are described.
Reames, Ginger, and Valerie Charlton. "Lead Detection in Food, Medicinal, and Ceremonial Items Using a Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Instrument." Journal of Environmental Health 75,(2013):16-20. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26329550
Summary: The authors evaluated a Niton XLp303A X-ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, used to identify lead hazards in housing, to determine its effectiveness in screening food, medicinal, and ceremonial items during lead poisoning investigations. ...The Niton consistently identified the presence of lead spectra emissions and gave quantitative readings above 10 ppm for the nine samples with lead content that exceeded 10 ppm in laboratory testing.