1666 TEKS header image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Scientific and engineering practices. The student knows the contributions of scientists and recognizes the importance of scientific research and innovation on society.


Engineering design is a systematic process for solving engineering problems. It starts with scientific knowledge and models of the material world. Each proposed solution balances competing criteria—desired functions, technological feasibility, cost, safety, esthetics, and compliance with legal requirements.

a new product; a new way of doing something; a new way of thinking


Greenhalgh, Trisha, James Raftery, Steve Hanney, and Matthew Glover. "Research Impact: A Narrative Review." BMC Medicine 14, no. 78 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12916-016-0620-8

Summary Impact occurs when research generates benefits (health, economic, cultural) in addition to building the academic knowledge base. The strengths and limitations of six established approaches (Payback, Research Impact Framework, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, monetisation, societal impact assessment, UK Research Excellence Framework) plus recently developed and largely untested approaches were reviewed.