Knowledge and Skills Statement
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.
Demonstrated Proficiency of ELA.K.1.D
Use an observational checklist while observing a student in different settings throughout the day. The observation checklist might include the following:
The student
- works well with others in partners and in group work.
- raises his hand during group discussions.
- takes turns during group discussions.
- takes turns during games or during transitional activities (lining up, using the restroom, etc.).
- gives appropriate responses during discussions.
- listens to others before responding.
This type of observational checklist may include a scale. For example, the student may receive a + for consistently, a * for inconsistently, or a - for never.
Supporting Information for ELA.K.1.D