Knowledge and Skills Statement
Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.
Demonstrated Proficiency of ELA.2.9.F
Keep a checklist to monitor who has mastered this SE and who needs more review. While reading or engaging in learning from a multimodal or digital text in a whole-group or small-group setting, ask students questions.
- What kind of text is this? Students can respond by saying that it is a digital text.
- What is a digital text? Students should be able to explain that a digital text is a book that is viewed on a computer or other electronic device.
- Why do we use digital texts? Students can respond by saying that digital texts help us read by giving more supports and allow us to get information more quickly.
- What are some tools we use to get digital texts? Students can respond by listing iPads, phones, Kindles, computers, audiobooks, etc.
- How are digital texts different from books? Students can respond by stating that digital texts are not books that we can hold in our hands, and digital texts can sometimes read to us.