Knowledge and Skills Statement
Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed.
Demonstrated Proficiency of ELA.1.7.E
Observe students when they are speaking orally. A teacher can listen to students use or attempt to use new vocabulary terms when responding about a book or topic. The teacher should listen for correct usage and understanding of the vocabulary. This observation can be done through whole-group or small-group class discussions about a text, or it can be observed in a casual conversation setting.
A rubric can be applied to assessing a students’ oral and written responses.
Sample rubric:
- The student does not attempt to use newly-acquired vocabulary.
- The student attempts to use newly-acquired vocabulary but does not use it appropriately.
- The student uses newly-acquired vocabulary appropriately, with adult assistance.
- The student uses newly-acquired vocabulary appropriately, with minimal to no adult assistance.
This rubric will likely be included as a section for a larger rubric. For example, the teacher might see this in a retelling rubric or a rubric that assesses multiple aspects of a student’s vocabulary.