Knowledge and Skills Statement
Peng, Y. B., T Lei, H.T. Zhen, Z. X. Yuan, H. Xu, and F. Wen. "New Periodic Table of Elements: Electron Configuration and Motion, and Formation of Simple Sompound." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1893, no. 1 (2021): 012205.
Summary: This paper presents a new periodic table of elements while keeping the number of protons and electrons of the original element unchanged except that the electron period should not be configured in the form of 2, 8, 8 and 18 as that in the Mendeleev periodic table. Each layer/period of the new periodic table is filled with electrons according to the square of the number of periods, with 1, 4, 9, and 16 electrons in turn [34]. The new periodic table of elements is a new theoretical model, which can not only explain the phenomena of ammonia and water molecules, but also help to explain and predict other phenomena, such as the atomic spectrum except hydrogen atom, the properties of iron and copper elements, and the spectra and electron cloud phenomena of other atoms [12].