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generate student-selected and teacher-guided questions for formal and informal inquiry;

PBS Learning Media Garden Spiders
Resource ID: PBS456 Grade Range: 3 - 6 Subject: ELA & Reading
Although the brown recluse spider shares the garden with the famous black widow, did you know, of the two spiders, the brown recluse is more aggressive and more likely to bite? Or did you know the gar...
PBS Learning Media Edison: Boyhood and Teen Years
Resource ID: PBS401 Grade Range: 3 - 8 Subject: ELA & Reading
Find out how young Thomas Edison’s curiosity got him into trouble, and how, during his teen years, he lost his hearing but gained confidence as an aspiring inventor, in this video adapted from AMERICA...
The student understands how the properties of water build the foundation of aquatic ecosystems. The student is expected to:
explain the costs and benefits of automobile insurance and factors that impact the price of insurance, including the type of vehicle, age and sex of driver, driving record, deductible, and geographic location; and

develop and revise a plan;

describe how the shape and polarity of the water molecule make it a "universal solvent" in aquatic systems;
explain the costs and benefits of supplemental types of insurance such as extended warranties, mortgage protection life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment life insurance, car loan payoff coverage, debt cancellation coverage, and credit life coverage.

refine the major research question, if necessary, guided by the answers to a secondary set of questions;

PBS Learning Media Edison: Boyhood and Teen Years
Resource ID: PBS401 Grade Range: 3 - 8 Subject: ELA & Reading
Find out how young Thomas Edison’s curiosity got him into trouble, and how, during his teen years, he lost his hearing but gained confidence as an aspiring inventor, in this video adapted from AMERICA...
identify how aquatic ecosystems are affected by water's properties of adhesion, cohesion, surface tension, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity; and
Insuring and protecting. The student understands how to identify and protect themselves from frauds, schemes, and scams. The student is expected to:
explain how the density of water is critical for organisms in cold environments.
identify ways to protect personal information and reduce risk of identity theft;

identify and gather relevant information from a variety of sources;

PBS Learning Media Edison: Boyhood and Teen Years
Resource ID: PBS401 Grade Range: 3 - 8 Subject: ELA & Reading
Find out how young Thomas Edison’s curiosity got him into trouble, and how, during his teen years, he lost his hearing but gained confidence as an aspiring inventor, in this video adapted from AMERICA...
Students know that aquatic environments are the product of interactions among Earth systems. The student is expected to:
recognize common schemes and scams such as investment, pyramid, phishing, check cashing, and home renovation scams; and

differentiate between primary and secondary sources;

identify key features and characteristics of atmospheric, geological, hydrological, and biological systems as they relate to aquatic environments;
demonstrate an understanding of how to use consumer protection agencies such as the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Financial Protection Board, or the Texas State Securities Board to research and report fraud.

synthesize information from a variety of sources;

PBS Learning Media Edison: Boyhood and Teen Years
Resource ID: PBS401 Grade Range: 3 - 8 Subject: ELA & Reading
Find out how young Thomas Edison’s curiosity got him into trouble, and how, during his teen years, he lost his hearing but gained confidence as an aspiring inventor, in this video adapted from AMERICA...
describe the interrelatedness of atmospheric, geological, hydrological, and biological systems in aquatic ecosystems, including positive and negative feedback loops; and
Insuring and protecting. The student understands the legal instruments available for estate planning. The student is expected to:

differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism when using source materials;


examine sources for:

evaluate environmental data using technology such as maps, visualizations, satellite data, Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information System (GIS), weather balloons, and buoys to model the interactions that affect aquatic ecosystems.
explain the importance of guardianship of minor children, wills, and beneficiary designation; and

reliability, credibility, and bias; and

The student knows about the interdependence and interactions that occur in aquatic environments. The student is expected to:
explain the importance of a power of attorney, living will, and medical directive.

faulty reasoning such as hyperbole, emotional appeals, and stereotype;

identify how energy flows and matter cycles through both freshwater and marine aquatic systems, including food webs, chains, and pyramids;
College and postsecondary education and training. The student recognizes the costs and benefits of various types of college, postsecondary education, and training. The student is expected to:

display academic citations and use source materials ethically; and

identify biological, chemical, geological, and physical components of an aquatic life zone as they relate to the organisms in it;
analyze the relationship between education and training and earnings;
identify variables that affect the solubility of carbon dioxide and oxygen in water;
identify types of costs associated with college, postsecondary education, and training;

use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present results.

evaluate factors affecting aquatic population cycles such as lunar cycles, temperature variations, hours of daylight, and predator-prey relationships; and
compare costs among postsecondary education and training institutions such as public universities, private universities, certification programs, and community colleges; and
identify the interdependence of organisms in an aquatic environment such as in a pond, a river, a lake, an ocean, or an aquifer and the biosphere.
analyze the quality of education investment using measures such as academic reputation, selectivity and rigor in a chosen area of study, average starting salary of students graduating in chosen field, and likelihood of student graduation.
The student conducts short-term and long-term studies on local aquatic environments. Local natural environments are to be preferred over artificial or virtual environments. The student is expected to:
College and postsecondary education and training. The student understands various options for paying for college, postsecondary education, and training. The student is expected to:
evaluate data over a period of time from an established aquatic environment documenting seasonal changes and the behavior of organisms;
understand how, why, and when to complete grant and scholarship applications and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) provided by the U.S. Department of Education;
collect and analyze pH, salinity, temperature, mineral content, nitrogen compounds, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity data periodically, starting with baseline measurements; and
research various sources of funds for postsecondary education and training, including student loans, grants and scholarships, and other sources such as work-study and military programs; and
use data from short-term or long-term studies to analyze interrelationships between producers, consumers, and decomposers in aquatic ecosystems.
analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various sources of funds for postsecondary education and training, including student loans, grants and scholarships, and other sources such as work-study and military programs.
The student knows the role of cycles in an aquatic environment. The student is expected to:
identify the role of carbon, nitrogen, water, and nutrient cycles in an aquatic environment, including upwellings and turnovers;