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make predictions and determine solutions using theoretical probability for simple and compound events;
OnTrack logo Using Theoretical and Experimental Probability to Make Predictions
Resource ID: M7M2L17 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given an event to simulate, the student will use theoretical probabilities and experimental results to make predictions and decisions.
OnTrack logo Finding the Probabilities of Dependent and Independent Events
Resource ID: M7M2L16 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given problem situations, the student will find the probability of the dependent and independent events.
OnTrack logo Exploring Probability with Independent Events
Resource ID: M7M2L14 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given a problem situation, students will use experimental data or theoretical probability to make predictions and determine solutions to situations involving independent events.
OnTrack logo Exploring Probability with Dependent Events
Resource ID: M7M2L15 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
The student will investigate and develop the concept of dependent probability, including formalizing procedures related to dependent probability and applications of dependent probability.
OnTrack logo 19 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Proportionality
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to use proportional relationships to describe dilations; to explain proportional and non-proportional relationships involving slope; and to use proportional and non-proportional re...
sing or recite "The Star-Spangled Banner" and explain its history;

discuss specific ideas in the text that are important to the meaning.

find the probabilities of a simple event and its complement and describe the relationship between the two;
recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag;

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts. The student is expected to:

use data from a random sample to make inferences about a population;
OnTrack logo Using Theoretical and Experimental Probability to Make Predictions
Resource ID: M7M2L17 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given an event to simulate, the student will use theoretical probabilities and experimental results to make predictions and decisions.
OnTrack logo Exploring Probability with Independent Events
Resource ID: M7M2L14 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given a problem situation, students will use experimental data or theoretical probability to make predictions and determine solutions to situations involving independent events.
OnTrack logo Making Inferences and Convincing Arguments about Samples and Populations
Resource ID: M7M2L18 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given problem situations that include given or collected data, the student will analyze the data and make inferences and convincing arguments based on the data.
OnTrack logo 19 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Proportionality
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to use proportional relationships to describe dilations; to explain proportional and non-proportional relationships involving slope; and to use proportional and non-proportional re...
describe the origins and significance of national celebrations such as Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Constitution Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day; and

infer basic themes supported by text evidence;

PBS Learning Media Colombian Folktale: Pastorcita
Resource ID: PBS223 Grade Range: PreK - 5 Subject: ELA & Reading
This video features the Colombian story Pastorcita in both English and Spanish. Pastorcita has many elements that are similar to “Little Bo Peep.
PBS Learning Media Chinese Folktale: The Little Rabbits
Resource ID: PBS428 Grade Range: PreK - 5 Subject: ELA & Reading
This video features the Chinese story "The Little Rabbits" in both English and Chinese. The story has elements of the Western stories “Little Red Riding Hood” and “The Three Little Pigs.” 

explain the interactions of the characters and the changes they undergo;

PBS Learning Media Hello There, Earth Kids! | WordGirl
Resource ID: PBS346 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Rex, AKA Kid Math, is trying to keep his identity a secret from the kids at school, but he's not doing a very good job.
PBS Learning Media Kid Math's Coming to Dinner | WordGirl
Resource ID: PBS369 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Becky brings home her newest friend Rex, AKA Kid Math. They discuss having a secret identity while Becky's dad cooks.
PBS Learning Media Book Buddies | Engaging with Literature
Resource ID: PBS403 Grade Range: 3 - 5 Subject: ELA & Reading
Watch as two teachers create Book Buddies with 3rd and 5th graders in this half-hour video from Engaging with Literature. Book Buddies offers students a chance to explore a book they are familiar...
PBS Learning Media Lesson Builder Template | Engaging with Literature
Resource ID: PBS404 Grade Range: 3 - 5 Subject: ELA & Reading
Download this lesson builder template as a framework for reviewing and analyzing your classroom literature lesson.
solve problems using data represented in bar graphs, dot plots, and circle graphs, including part-to-whole and part-to-part comparisons and equivalents;
OnTrack logo Selecting and Using Representations for Collected Data
Resource ID: M8M5L5 Grade Range: 5 - 7 Subject: Math
Given a variety of data (including line plots, line graphs, stem and leaf plots, circle graphs, bar graphs, box and whisker plots, histograms, and Venn diagrams), the student will select and use an ap...
explain the significance of important landmarks, including the White House, the Statue of Liberty, and Mount Rushmore.
PBS Learning Media 50 States Part 1
Resource ID: PBS442 Grade Range: 3 - 5 Subject: Social Studies
In this activity, students travel virtually to 25 different states from Alabama to Missouri. While on their journey students explore geography, learn state capitals and interesting facts along the way...
PBS Learning Media 50 States Part 2
Resource ID: PBS449 Grade Range: 3 - 5 Subject: Social Studies
In this activity, students combine psychomotor skills and geography as they travel from Montana to Wyoming. As students travel from state to state, they learn regional facts and state capitals. 

analyze plot elements, including the rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution; and

PBS Learning Media Intervention | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
Resource ID: PBS366 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a 3-tier framework schools can adopt to identify and help struggling learners—before they fail. 
solve problems using qualitative and quantitative predictions and comparisons from simple experiments; and
Citizenship. The student understands the importance of individual participation in the democratic process at the local, state, and national levels. The student is expected to:
explain the duty individuals have to participate in civic affairs at the local, state, and national levels; and

explain the influence of the setting, including historical and cultural settings, on the plot.

determine experimental and theoretical probabilities related to simple and compound events using data and sample spaces.
OnTrack logo Finding the Probabilities of Dependent and Independent Events
Resource ID: M7M2L16 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given problem situations, the student will find the probability of the dependent and independent events.
OnTrack logo Exploring Probability with Independent Events
Resource ID: M7M2L14 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given a problem situation, students will use experimental data or theoretical probability to make predictions and determine solutions to situations involving independent events.
OnTrack logo Exploring Probability with Dependent Events
Resource ID: M7M2L15 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
The student will investigate and develop the concept of dependent probability, including formalizing procedures related to dependent probability and applications of dependent probability.
OnTrack logo 19 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Proportionality
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to use proportional relationships to describe dilations; to explain proportional and non-proportional relationships involving slope; and to use proportional and non-proportional re...
explain how to contact elected and appointed leaders in local, state, and national governments.

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts. The student is expected to:

Expressions, equations, and relationships. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent linear relationships using multiple representations. The student is expected to represent linear relationships using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations that simplify to the form \(y = mx + b\).
Expressions, equations, and relationships. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop geometric relationships with volume. The student is expected to:
Citizenship. The student understands the importance of effective leadership in a constitutional republic. The student is expected to:

demonstrate knowledge of distinguishing characteristics of well-known children's literature such as folktales, fables, legends, myths, and tall tales;

model the relationship between the volume of a rectangular prism and a rectangular pyramid having both congruent bases and heights and connect that relationship to the formulas;
OnTrack logo Estimating and Solving for Volume of Prisms
Resource ID: M7M3L12 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving prisms, student will be able to estimate and solve for volume.
ontrack_large 7 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to develop mathematical relationships and make connections to geometric formulas; use geometry to solve problems; use one-variable equations or inequalities in problem situations; ...
explain the contributions of the Founding Fathers to the development of the national government;

explain figurative language such as simile, metaphor, and personification that the poet uses to create images;

explain verbally and symbolically the relationship between the volume of a triangular prism and a triangular pyramid having both congruent bases and heights and connect that relationship to the formulas; and
OnTrack logo Estimating and Solving for Volume of Prisms
Resource ID: M7M3L12 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving prisms, student will be able to estimate and solve for volume.
ontrack_large 7 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to develop mathematical relationships and make connections to geometric formulas; use geometry to solve problems; use one-variable equations or inequalities in problem situations; ...
identify past and present leaders in the national government, including the president and various members of Congress, and their political parties; and

explain structure in drama such as character tags, acts, scenes, and stage directions;

use models to determine the approximate formulas for the circumference and area of a circle and connect the models to the actual formulas.
identify and compare leadership qualities of national leaders, past and present.

recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including:


the central idea with supporting evidence;

Expressions, equations, and relationships. The student applies mathematical process standards to solve geometric problems. The student is expected to:
Citizenship. The student understands the fundamental rights of American citizens guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and other amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The student is expected to:

features such as pronunciation guides and diagrams to support understanding; and

solve problems involving the volume of rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, rectangular pyramids, and triangular pyramids;
OnTrack logo Drawing Conclusions about Three-Dimensional Figures from Nets
Resource ID: M7M3L16 Grade Range: 7 - 8 Subject: Math
Given a net for a three-dimensional figure, the student will make conjectures and draw conclusions about the three-dimensional figure formed by the given net.
OnTrack logo Estimating and Solving for Volume of Prisms
Resource ID: M7M3L12 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given problem situations involving prisms, student will be able to estimate and solve for volume.
ontrack_large 7 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to develop mathematical relationships and make connections to geometric formulas; use geometry to solve problems; use one-variable equations or inequalities in problem situations; ...
describe the fundamental rights guaranteed by each amendment in the Bill of Rights, including freedom of religion, speech, and press; the right to assemble and petition the government; the right to keep and bear arms; the right to trial by jury; and the right to an attorney; and
describe various amendments to the U.S. Constitution such as those that extended voting rights of U.S. citizens.

organizational patterns such as compare and contrast;

History. The student understands how constitutional government, as developed in America and expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution, has been influenced by ideas, people, and historical documents. The student is expected to:
determine the circumference and area of circles;
OnTrack logo Estimating Measurements: Area
Resource ID: M7M3L11 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given problem situations, students will be able to estimate and solve for area of polygons and other shapes.
ontrack_large 7 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to develop mathematical relationships and make connections to geometric formulas; use geometry to solve problems; use one-variable equations or inequalities in problem situations; ...
Culture. The student understands the relationship between the arts and the times during which they were created. The student is expected to:

recognize characteristics and structures of argumentative text by:

explain major political ideas in history, including the laws of nature and nature's God, unalienable rights, divine right of kings, social contract theory, and the rights of resistance to illegitimate government;
determine the area of composite figures containing combinations of rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, semicircles, and quarter circles; and
OnTrack logo Determining Area of Composite Figures
Resource ID: M7M3L10 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given composite figures (combinations of rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, semicircles, and quarter circles), students will be able to determine expressions for the area as w...
OnTrack logo Estimating Measurements: Area
Resource ID: M7M3L11 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given problem situations, students will be able to estimate and solve for area of polygons and other shapes.
ontrack_large 7 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to develop mathematical relationships and make connections to geometric formulas; use geometry to solve problems; use one-variable equations or inequalities in problem situations; ...
solve problems involving the lateral and total surface area of a rectangular prism, rectangular pyramid, triangular prism, and triangular pyramid by determining the area of the shape's net.
OnTrack logo Creating Nets for Three-Dimensional Figures
Resource ID: GM3L2A Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given nets for three-dimensional figures, the student will apply the formulas for the total and lateral surface area of three-dimensional figures to solve problems using appropriate units of measure.
OnTrack logo Finding Lateral and Total Surface Area
Resource ID: M7M3L14 Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Given concrete models and nets (2-dimensional models) of prisms, pyramids, and cylinders, the student will find and determine the lateral and total surface area.
ontrack_large 7 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
Grade Range: 7 Subject: Math
Students will learn to develop mathematical relationships and make connections to geometric formulas; use geometry to solve problems; use one-variable equations or inequalities in problem situations; ...
identify significant examples of art, music, and literature from various periods in U.S. history such as the painting American Progress, "Yankee Doodle," and "Paul Revere's Ride"; and

identifying the claim;