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differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources such as media and news services, biographies, interviews, and artifacts to acquire information about the United States;
determine the measure of an unknown angle formed by two non-overlapping adjacent angles given one or both angle measures.

adverbs that convey time and adverbs that convey place;

prepositions and prepositional phrases;

explain the roles of various world leaders, including Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Hideki Tojo, Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill, prior to and during World War II; and
analyze information by applying absolute and relative chronology through sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions;
Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to select appropriate customary and metric units, strategies, and tools to solve problems involving measurement. The student is expected to:

pronouns, including subjective, objective, and possessive cases;

explain the major causes and events of World War II, including the German invasions of Poland and the Soviet Union, the Holocaust, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Normandy landings, and the dropping of the atomic bombs.
organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps;
identify relative sizes of measurement units within the customary and metric systems;

coordinating conjunctions to form compound subjects and predicates;

History. The student understands the impact of major events associated with the Cold War and independence movements. The student is expected to:
identify bias and points of view created by the historical context surrounding an event;
convert measurements within the same measurement system, customary or metric, from a smaller unit into a larger unit or a larger unit into a smaller unit when given other equivalent measures represented in a table; and
Logo Measurement: Converting Units of Measure
Resource ID: T2T06 Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Measurement: Converting Units of Measure
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...

capitalization of months, days of the week, and the salutation and conclusion of a letter;

PBS Learning Media Music Video: Capitalize
Resource ID: PBS336 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Lisa sings "Time to Capitalize" to teach children the rules of capitalization. This resource teaches capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and the concept behind proper nouns.
PBS Learning Media How to Use the Correct Capitalization | No Nonsense Grammar
Resource ID: PBS358 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Capitalizing is extremely important. Not only is it proper writing, but it also makes writing look polished and finished. Learn what should be capitalized and what shouldn't!
summarize how the outcome of World War II contributed to the development of the Cold War;
support a point of view on a social studies issue or event;
solve problems that deal with measurements of length, intervals of time, liquid volumes, mass, and money using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division as appropriate.
Data analysis. The student applies mathematical process standards to solve problems by collecting, organizing, displaying, and interpreting data. The student is expected to:

end punctuation, apostrophes in contractions, and commas with items in a series and in dates; and

PBS Learning Media Forming and Using Possessive Nouns | No Nonsense Grammar
Resource ID: PBS335 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Possessives show when a noun belongs to someone. It is often indicated with an apostrophe "s," but when words end in "s" only an apostrophe is added. Screen reader support enabled.
PBS Learning Media Bananas | The Electric Company
Resource ID: PBS402 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
Learn about the vocabulary words binoculars, discover, observe, flustered, and admit with The Electric Company when family members need assistance. Annie's Uncle Sigmund needs The Electric Company's h...
summarize the factors that contributed to communism in China, including Mao Zedong's role in its rise;
evaluate the validity of a source based on corroboration with other sources and information about the author;
represent data on a frequency table, dot plot, or stem-and-leaf plot marked with whole numbers and fractions; and

correct spelling of words with grade-appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high-frequency words; and

identify major events of the Cold War, including the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the arms race;
create a visual representation of historical information such as thematic maps, graphs, and charts representing various aspects of the United States; and
explain the roles of modern world leaders, including Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Walesa, and Pope John Paul II, in the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union;
pose and answer questions about geographic distributions and patterns shown on maps, graphs, and charts.
solve one- and two-step problems using data in whole number, decimal, and fraction form in a frequency table, dot plot, or stem-and-leaf plot.

publish and share writing.

summarize the rise of independence movements in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia and reasons for ongoing conflicts; and
Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to:
Personal financial literacy. The student applies mathematical process standards to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. The student is expected to:

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful. The student is expected to:


compose literary texts, including personal narratives and poetry;

PBS Learning Media Silly Story Builder—Martha Speaks | PBS KIDS Lab
Resource ID: PBS455 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
This activity will help children build vocabulary, become familiar with essential parts of a story, and develop story sequencing skills. They can create silly stories by drawing story parts out of a b...
discuss factors contributing to the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the rejection of the existence of the state of Israel by the Arab League and a majority of Arab nations.
use social studies terminology correctly;
distinguish between fixed and variable expenses;

compose informational texts, including procedural texts and reports; and

History. The student understands the development and use of radical Islamic terrorism in the second half of the 20th century and the early 21st century. The student is expected to:
use effective written communication skills, including proper citations and avoiding plagiarism; and
calculate profit in a given situation;

compose correspondence such as thank you notes or letters.

explain the impact of geopolitical influences on the development of radical Islamic terrorism;
create written, oral, and visual presentations of social studies information.
compare the advantages and disadvantages of various savings options;
History. The student understands the origins, similarities, and differences of American Indian groups in Texas and North America before European exploration. The student is expected to:

Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes. The student is expected to:

explain the impact of radical Islamic terrorism on global events; and