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retell texts in ways that maintain meaning;


Child uses sentences that provide many details, remains on topic, and clearly communicates intended meaning.

classify and sort polygons with 12 or fewer sides according to attributes, including identifying the number of sides and number of vertices;
examine information from various sources about places and regions.
describe how people from various racial, ethnic, and religious groups attempt to maintain their cultural heritage while adapting to the larger Texas culture;
Geography. The student understands the impact of geographic factors on major events. The student is expected to analyze the impact of physical and human geographic factors on the Klondike Gold Rush, the Panama Canal, the Dust Bowl, and the levee failure in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

interact with sources in meaningful ways such as illustrating or writing; and

compose two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional solids with given properties or attributes; and
Geography. The student understands how physical characteristics of places and regions affect people's activities and settlement patterns. The student is expected to:
identify examples of Spanish influence and the influence of other cultures on Texas such as place names, vocabulary, religion, architecture, food, and the arts; and
Geography. The student understands the causes and effects of migration and immigration on American society. The student is expected to:

respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate.

decompose two-dimensional shapes such as cutting out a square from a rectangle, dividing a shape in half, or partitioning a rectangle into identical triangles and identify the resulting geometric parts.
Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to select and use units to describe length, area, and time. The student is expected to:
analyze the causes and effects of changing demographic patterns resulting from migration within the United States, including western expansion, rural to urban, the Great Migration, and the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt; and
describe how weather patterns and seasonal patterns affect activities and settlement patterns;
identify contributions to the arts by Texans such as Roy Bedichek, Diane Gonzales Bertrand, J. Frank Dobie, Scott Joplin, Elisabet Ney, Amado Peña Jr., Walter Prescott Webb, and Horton Foote.

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts. The student is expected to:

find the length of objects using concrete models for standard units of length;
K2 Rapid Assessments logo K–2 Diagnostic Assessments
Resource ID: MATH_RA_K2 Grade Range: Kindergarten - 2 Subject: Math
This resource provides two types of diagnostic tools available to K–2 math teachers: a rapid assessment tool and a flexible interview assessment.
Logo Building to Measurement with a Ruler
Resource ID: T2T05 Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Building to Measurement with a Ruler
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...
analyze the causes and effects of changing demographic patterns resulting from immigration to the United States.
describe how natural resources and natural hazards affect activities and settlement patterns;
Science, technology, and society. The student understands the impact of scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the political, economic, and social development of Texas. The student is expected to:

discuss topics and determine theme using text evidence with adult assistance;


describe the main character(s) and the reason(s) for their actions;

PBS Learning Media Tim Botsford, Fashionista | WordGirl
Resource ID: PBS345 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Mr. Botsford unknowingly starts the city's latest fashion trend.
PBS Learning Media Commercial: Pictures and Words
Resource ID: PBS351 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
This commercial demonstrates how pictures and words work together to tell a story. This resource teaches print literacy, and helps students understand how different types of media may be used in story...
PBS Learning Media Kid Math's Coming to Dinner | WordGirl
Resource ID: PBS369 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Becky brings home her newest friend Rex, AKA Kid Math. They discuss having a secret identity while Becky's dad cooks.
PBS Learning Media Magician's Apprentice | WordGirl
Resource ID: PBS405 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Becky gets roped into joining a magician's act.
describe the inverse relationship between the size of the unit and the number of units needed to equal the length of an object;
Logo Building to Measurement with a Ruler
Resource ID: T2T05 Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Building to Measurement with a Ruler
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...
Geography. The student understands the relationship between population growth and the physical environment. The student is expected to:
explain how people depend on the physical environment and natural resources to meet basic needs; and
compare types and uses of technology, past and present;
identify the characteristics of different communities, including urban, suburban, and rural, and how they affect activities and settlement patterns.
identify Texas leaders in science and technology such as Walter Cunningham, Michael DeBakey, Denton Cooley, Benjy Brooks, Michael Dell, and Howard Hughes Sr.;

describe plot elements, including the main events, the problem, and the resolution, for texts read aloud and independently; and

PBS Learning Media Colombian Folktale: Pastorcita
Resource ID: PBS223 Grade Range: PreK - 5 Subject: ELA & Reading
This video features the Colombian story Pastorcita in both English and Spanish. Pastorcita has many elements that are similar to “Little Bo Peep.
PBS Learning Media Commercial: Pictures and Words
Resource ID: PBS351 Grade Range: 1 - 3 Subject: ELA & Reading
This commercial demonstrates how pictures and words work together to tell a story. This resource teaches print literacy, and helps students understand how different types of media may be used in story...
PBS Learning Media Kid Math's Coming to Dinner | WordGirl
Resource ID: PBS369 Grade Range: 1 - 4 Subject: ELA & Reading
Becky brings home her newest friend Rex, AKA Kid Math. They discuss having a secret identity while Becky's dad cooks.
PBS Learning Media A Clubhouse Mystery | IPTV Kids Clubhouse
Resource ID: PBS422 Grade Range: PreK - 2 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this clip from IPTV KIDS Clubhouse, Dan Wardell and DanBot receive a mysterious letter in the mail and must follow clues to discover what the letter is communicating and who it is from!
PBS Learning Media Junk or Treasure: A Clubhouse Story | IPTV Kids Clubhouse
Resource ID: PBS425 Grade Range: PreK - 2 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this clip from IPTV KIDS Clubhouse, DanBot thinks Dan Wardell’s stuff is useless junk and gets rid of it! Dan teaches DanBot how seemingly useless junk can be repurposed or reused in valuable ways!...
PBS Learning Media Chinese Folktale: The Little Rabbits
Resource ID: PBS428 Grade Range: PreK - 5 Subject: ELA & Reading
This video features the Chinese story "The Little Rabbits" in both English and Chinese. The story has elements of the Western stories “Little Red Riding Hood” and “The Three Little Pigs.” 
represent whole numbers as distances from any given location on a number line;
identify the effects of population growth and distribution on the physical environment; and

Motivation to Read

Geography. The student understands how humans use and modify the physical environment. The student is expected to:
analyze the effects of various scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the development of Texas such as advancements in the agricultural, energy, medical, computer, and aerospace industries;

describe the setting.

determine the length of an object to the nearest marked unit using rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, or measuring tapes;
Logo Building to Measurement with a Ruler
Resource ID: T2T05 Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Building to Measurement with a Ruler
T2Tbinder2 15 Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series
Grade Range: 2 - 5 Subject: Math
Explore the Teacher2Teacher math video series featuring key topics in mathematics instruction. Bookmark and return to this resource. New videos will be added throughout the ye...
identify the roles of governmental entities and private citizens in managing the environment such as the establishment of the National Park System, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Endangered Species Act.

Child engages in story-related pre‐reading activities.

identify ways in which people have modified the physical environment such as building roads, clearing land for urban development and agricultural use, and drilling for oil;
evaluate the effects of scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the use of resources such as fossil fuels, water, and land; and

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts. The student is expected to:

determine a solution to a problem involving length, including estimating lengths;
Child self‐selects books and other written materials to engage in pre‐ reading behaviors.
Economics. The student understands domestic and foreign issues related to U.S. economic growth from the 1870s to 1920. The student is expected to:
identify positive and negative consequences of human modification of the physical environment such as the use of irrigation to improve crop yields; and
analyze how scientific discoveries and technological innovations have resulted in an interdependence among Texas, the United States, and the world.

demonstrate knowledge of distinguishing characteristics of well-known children's literature such as folktales, fables, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes;

describe how the economic impact of the Transcontinental Railroad and the Homestead Act contributed to the close of the frontier in the late 19th century;