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compose argumentative texts using genre characteristics and craft; and
compose correspondence in a professional or friendly structure.
Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes. The student is expected to:
develop questions for formal and informal inquiry;
critique the research process at each step to implement changes as needs occur and are identified;
develop and revise a plan;
modify the major research question as necessary to refocus the research plan;
locate relevant sources;
synthesize information from a variety of sources;
examine sources for:
credibility and bias, including omission; and
faulty reasoning such as incorrect premise, hasty generalizations, and either-or;
display academic citations, including for paraphrased and quoted text, and use source materials ethically to avoid plagiarism; and
use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present results.
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking--oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion. The student is expected to:
engage in meaningful and respectful discourse when evaluating the clarity and coherence of a speaker's message and critiquing the impact of a speaker's use of diction and syntax;
OnTrack logo Becoming a Critical Listener (English III Listening)
Resource ID: E3LnM1L01 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn the skills needed to listen to a speaker and identify the parts of a speech and their importance.
follow and give complex instructions, clarify meaning by asking pertinent questions, and respond appropriately;
give a formal presentation that exhibits a logical structure, smooth transitions, accurate evidence, well-chosen details, and rhetorical devices and that employs eye contact, speaking rate such as pauses for effect, volume, enunciation, purposeful gestures, and conventions of language to communicate ideas effectively; and
participate collaboratively, offering ideas or judgments that are purposeful in moving the team toward goals, asking relevant and insightful questions, tolerating a range of positions and ambiguity in decision making, and evaluating the work of the group based on agreed-upon criteria.
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired vocabulary expressively. The student is expected to:
use print or digital resources to clarify and validate understanding of multiple meanings of advanced vocabulary;
OnTrack logo How to Read and Analyze a Poem (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM3L09 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will be able to read and analyze a poem using your knowledge of literary and poetic devices.
analyze context to draw conclusions about nuanced meanings such as in imagery; and
OnTrack logo Imagery (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM3L03 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
In this lesson, you will be able to identify the imagery in a text and evaluate its effectiveness.
OnTrack logo Reference Guides (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM4L03 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will be able to use reference guides to help you understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.
OnTrack logo Cognates (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM4L04 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will use your knowledge of cognates from other languages to help you understand unfamiliar words.
determine the meaning of foreign words or phrases used frequently in English such as ad hoc, faux pas, non sequitur, and modus operandi.

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--self-sustained reading. The student reads grade-appropriate texts independently. The student is expected to self-select text and read independently for a sustained period of time.

Comprehension skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly complex texts. The student is expected to:
establish purpose for reading assigned and self-selected texts;
OnTrack logo Annotating to Deepen Understanding (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM1L2 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to annotate or mark a text as you read and re-read to gain deeper understanding of the text.
generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information;
make and correct or confirm predictions using text features, characteristics of genre, and structures;
OnTrack logo Gaining Understanding and Information from Introductory Material, Headings, and Other Division Markers in Texts (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM1L1 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to look at introductory material, headings, and other subdivisions to gain an understanding and an overview of the text’s organization.
OnTrack logo Becoming a Critical Listener (English III Listening)
Resource ID: E3LnM1L01 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn the skills needed to listen to a speaker and identify the parts of a speech and their importance.
create mental images to deepen understanding;
make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society;
make inferences and use evidence to support understanding;
OnTrack logo Learning Skills Needed in Interview and Group Discussion Communications (English III Speaking)
Resource ID: E3SpM1L04 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn the skills needed in other types of communication, i.e., interview and group discussion.
OnTrack logo Narrowing a Research Topic into a Thesis Statement and Introduction (English III Research)
Resource ID: E3RsM3L03 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to narrow your research topic into a thesis and write your introduction.
OnTrack logo Polishing Tone, Style, and Vocabulary in Your Essay (English III Writing)
Resource ID: E3WrM4L02 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn revision strategies you can use to polish your essay's style, tone, and vocabulary.
OnTrack logo Drawing Conclusions Based on the Sufficiency and Strength of Research (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM2L2 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will be able to determine whether an argument has enough evidence and whether the evidence is credible.
OnTrack logo Evaluating the Effectiveness of Arguments, i.e., Identify Fallacies (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM2L1 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn strategies to help you determine whether a written argument is logical and/or valid.
evaluate details read to understand key ideas;
synthesize information from a variety of text types to create new understanding; and
monitor comprehension and make adjustments such as re-reading, using background knowledge, asking questions, annotating, and using outside sources when understanding breaks down.
Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed. The student is expected to:
describe personal connections to a variety of sources, including self-selected texts;
write responses that demonstrate analysis of texts, including comparing texts within and across genres;
use text evidence and original commentary to support an analytic response;
OnTrack logo Identifying a Speaker’s Position and Supporting Evidence (English III Listening)
Resource ID: E3LnM1L02 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will be able to identify a speaker’s position in an argument and identify supporting evidence.
paraphrase and summarize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order;
OnTrack logo How to Read and Analyze a Poem (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM3L09 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will be able to read and analyze a poem using your knowledge of literary and poetic devices.
OnTrack logo Gaining Understanding and Information from Introductory Material, Headings, and Other Division Markers in Texts (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM1L1 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to look at introductory material, headings, and other subdivisions to gain an understanding and an overview of the text’s organization.
OnTrack logo Annotating to Deepen Understanding (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM1L2 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to annotate or mark a text as you read and re-read to gain deeper understanding of the text.
OnTrack logo Identifying a Speaker’s Position and Supporting Evidence (English III Listening)
Resource ID: E3LnM1L02 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will be able to identify a speaker’s position in an argument and identify supporting evidence.
OnTrack logo Exploring a Research Topic and Identifying Relevant Sources (English III Research)
Resource ID: E3RsM1L02 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to identify primary and secondary sources as you explore your research topic.
OnTrack logo Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting Source Material Accurately (English III Research)
Resource ID: E3RsM4L02 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to summarize, paraphrase, and quote material from your sources.
interact with sources in meaningful ways such as notetaking, annotating, freewriting, or illustrating;
OnTrack logo Reading and Writing to a Prompt (English III Reading and Writing)
Resource ID: E3RdM1L5 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn skills necessary for reading and writing to a prompt.
OnTrack logo Annotating to Deepen Understanding (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM1L2 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to annotate or mark a text as you read and re-read to gain deeper understanding of the text.
OnTrack logo Exploring a Research Topic and Identifying Relevant Sources (English III Research)
Resource ID: E3RsM1L02 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn how to identify primary and secondary sources as you explore your research topic.
respond using acquired content and academic vocabulary as appropriate;
discuss and write about the explicit and implicit meanings of text;
respond orally or in writing with appropriate register and effective vocabulary, tone, and voice;
reflect on and adjust responses when valid evidence warrants; and
defend or challenge the authors' claims using relevant text evidence.
OnTrack logo Reading and Writing to a Prompt (English III Reading and Writing)
Resource ID: E3RdM1L5 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will learn skills necessary for reading and writing to a prompt.
OnTrack logo Drawing Conclusions Based on the Sufficiency and Strength of Research (English III Reading)
Resource ID: E3RdM2L2 Grade Range: 11 Subject: ELA & Reading
You will be able to determine whether an argument has enough evidence and whether the evidence is credible.
Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts. The student is expected to:
analyze relationships among thematic development, characterization, point of view, significance of setting, and plot in a variety of literary texts;
analyze how characters' behaviors and underlying motivations contribute to moral dilemmas that influence the plot and theme;
evaluate how different literary elements shape the author's portrayal of the plot; and
analyze how the historical, social, and economic context of setting(s) influences the plot, characterization, and theme.