Test Prep

Test Prep

Test Prep

Multiple Choice


23.1 The Four Fundamental Forces


Which of the following is not one of the four fundamental forces?

  1. gravity
  2. friction
  3. strong nuclear
  4. electromagnetic
What type of carrier particle has not yet been found?
  1. gravitons
  2. W bosons
  3. Z bosons
  4. pions
What effect does an increase in electric potential have on the accelerating capacity of a Van de Graaff generator?
  1. It increases accelerating capacity.
  2. It decreases accelerating capacity.
  3. The accelerating capacity of a Van de Graaff generator is constant regardless of electric potential.
  4. Van de Graaff generators do not have the capacity to accelerate particles.

What force or forces exist between a proton and a second proton?

  1. The weak electrostatic force and strong magnetic force
  2. The weak electrostatic and strong gravitational force
  3. The weak frictional force and strong gravitational force
  4. The weak nuclear force, the strong nuclear force, and the electromagnetic force

23.2 Quarks


To what color must quarks combine for a particle to be constructed?

  1. black
  2. green
  3. red
  4. white

What type of hadron is always constructed partially of an antiquark?

  1. baryon
  2. lepton
  3. meson
  4. photno

What particle is typically released when two particles annihilate?

  1. graviton
  2. antimatter
  3. pion
  4. photno

Which of the following categories is not one of the three main categories of the Standard Model?

  1. gauge bosons
  2. hadrons
  3. leptons
  4. quarks

Analysis of what particles began the search for the Higgs boson?

  1. W and Z bosons
  2. up and down quarks
  3. mesons and baryons
  4. neutrinos and photons
What similarities exist between the discovery of the quark and the discovery of the neutron?
  1. Both the quark and the neutron were discovered by launching charged particles through an unknown structure and observing the particle recoil.
  2. Both the quark and the neutron were discovered by launching electrically neutral particles through an unknown structure and observing the particle recoil.
  3. Both quarks and neutrons were discovered by studying their deflection under an electric field.

23.3 The Unification of Forces


Which two forces were first combined, signifying the eventual desire for a Grand Unified Theory?

  1. electric force and magnetic forces
  2. electric force and weak nuclear force
  3. gravitational force and the weak nuclear force
  4. electroweak force and strong nuclear force

After the Big Bang, what was the first force to separate from the others?

  1. electromagnetic force
  2. gravity
  3. strong nuclear force
  4. weak nuclear force

What is the name of the device used by scientists to check for proton decay?

  1. the cyclotron
  2. the Large Hadron Collider
  3. the Super-Kamiokande
  4. the synchrotron

How do Feynman diagrams suggest the Grand Unified Theory?

  1. The electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear forces all have similar Feynman diagrams.
  2. The electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational forces all have similar Feynman diagrams.
  3. The electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces all have different Feynman diagrams.

Short Answer


23.1 The Four Fundamental Forces

Why do people tend to be more aware of the gravitational and electromagnetic forces than the strong and weak nuclear forces?
  1. The gravitational and electromagnetic forces act at short ranges, while strong and weak nuclear forces act at comparatively long range.
  2. The strong and weak nuclear forces act at short ranges, while gravitational and electromagnetic forces act at comparatively long range.
  3. The strong and weak nuclear forces act between all objects, while gravitational and electromagnetic forces act between smaller objects.
  4. The strong and weak nuclear forces exist in outer space, while gravitational and electromagnetic forces exist everywhere.

What fundamental force is responsible for the force of friction?

  1. the electromagnetic force
  2. the strong nuclear force
  3. the weak nuclear force
How do carrier particles relate to the concept of a force field?
  1. Carrier particles carry mass from one location to another within a force field.
  2. Carrier particles carry force from one location to another within a force field.
  3. Carrier particles carry charge from one location to another within a force field.
  4. Carrier particles carry volume from one location to another within a force field.

Which carrier particle is transmitted solely between nucleons?

  1. graviton
  2. photon
  3. pion
  4. W and Z bosons

Two particles of the same mass are traveling at the same speed but in opposite directions when they collide head-on.

What is the final kinetic energy of this two-particle system?
  1. infinite
  2. the sum of the kinetic energies of the two particles
  3. zero
  4. the product of the kinetic energies of the two particles
Why do colliding beams result in the location of smaller particles?
  1. Colliding beams create energy, allowing more energy to be used to separate the colliding particles.
  2. Colliding beams lower the energy of the system, so it requires less energy to separate the colliding particles.
  3. Colliding beams reduce energy loss, so less energy is required to separate colliding particles.
  4. Colliding beams reduce energy loss, allowing more energy to be used to separate the colliding particles.

23.2 Quarks


What two features of quarks determine the structure of a particle?

  1. the color and charge of individual quarks
  2. the color and size of individual quarks
  3. the charge and size of individual quarks
  4. the charge and mass of individual quarks

What fundamental force does quantum chromodynamics describe?

  1. the weak nuclear force
  2. the strong nuclear force
  3. the electromagnetic force
  4. the gravitational force

Is it possible for a baryon to be constructed of two quarks and an antiquark?

  1. Yes, the color of the three particles would be able to sum to white.
  2. No, the color of the three particles would not be able to sum to white.

Can baryons be more massive than mesons?

  1. no
  2. yes
If antimatter exists, why is it so difficult to find?
  1. There is a smaller amount of antimatter than matter in the universe; antimatter is quickly annihilated by its matter analogue.
  2. There is a smaller amount of matter than antimatter in the universe; matter is annihilated by its antimatter analogue.
  3. There is a smaller amount of antimatter than matter in universe; antimatter and its matter analogue coexist.
  4. There is a smaller amount of matter than antimatter in the universe; matter and its antimatter analogue coexist.

Does a neutron have an antimatter counterpart?

  1. No, the antineutron does not exist.
  2. Yes, the antineutron does exist.
How are the four fundamental forces incorporated into the Standard Model of the atom?
  1. The four fundamental forces are represented by their carrier particles, the electrons.
  2. The four fundamental forces are represented by their carrier particles, the gauge bosons.
  3. The four fundamental forces are represented by their carrier particles, the leptons.
  4. The four fundamental forces are represented by their carrier particles, the quarks.

Which particles in the Standard Model account for the majority of matter with which we are familiar?

  1. particles in fourth column of the Standard Model
  2. particles in third column of the Standard Model
  3. particles in the second column of the Standard Model
  4. particles in the first column of the Standard Model
How can a particle gain mass by traveling through the Higgs field?
  1. The Higgs field slows down passing particles; the decrease in kinetic energy is transferred to the particle’s mass.
  2. The Higgs field accelerates passing particles; the decrease in kinetic energy is transferred to the particle’s mass.
  3. The Higgs field slows down passing particles; the increase in kinetic energy is transferred to the particle’s mass.
  4. The Higgs field accelerates passing particles; the increase in kinetic energy is transferred to the particle’s mass.
How does mass-energy conservation relate to the Higgs field?
  1. The increase in a particle’s energy when traveling through the Higgs field is countered by its increase in mass.
  2. The decrease in a particle’s kinetic energy when traveling through the Higgs field is countered by its increase in mass.
  3. The decrease in a particle’s energy when traveling through the Higgs field is countered by its decrease in mass.
  4. The increase in a particle’s energy when traveling through the Higgs field is countered by its decrease in mass.

23.3 The Unification of Forces

Why do scientists believe that the strong nuclear force and the electroweak force will combine under high energies?
  1. The electroweak force will have greater strength.
  2. The strong nuclear force and electroweak force will achieve the same strength.
  3. The strong nuclear force will have greater strength.
At what energy will the strong nuclear force theoretically unite with the electroweak force?
  1. 10 12 eV
  2. 10 13 eV
  3. 10 14 eV
  4. 10 15 eV
While we can demonstrate the unification of certain forces within the laboratory, for how long were the four forces naturally unified within the universe?
  1. 10 43 seconds
  2. 10 41 seconds
  3. 10 39 seconds
  4. 10 38 seconds
How does the search for the Grand Unified Theory help test the standard cosmological model?
  1. Scientists are increasing energy in the lab that models the energy in earlier, denser stages of the universe.
  2. Scientists are increasing energy in the lab that models the energy in earlier, less dense stages of the universe.
  3. Scientists are decreasing energy in the lab that models the energy in earlier, denser stages of the universe.
  4. Scientists are decreasing energy in the lab that models the energy in earlier, less dense stages of the universe.
Why does finding proof that protons do not decay not disprove all GUTs?
  1. Proton decay is not a premise of all GUTs, and current GUTs can be amended in response to new findings.
  2. Proton decay is a premise of all GUTs, but current GUTs can be amended in response to new findings.

When accelerating elementary particles in a particle accelerator, they quickly achieve a speed approaching the speed of light. However, as time continues, the particles maintain this speed yet continue to increase their kinetic energy. How is this possible?

  1. The speed remains the same, but the masses of the particles increase.
  2. The speed remains the same, but the masses of the particles decrease.
  3. The speed remains the same, and the masses of the particles remain the same.
  4. The speed and masses will remain the same, but temperature will increase.

Extended Response


23.1 The Four Fundamental Forces


If the strong attractive force is the greatest of the four fundamental forces, are all masses fated to combine together at some point in the future? Explain.

  1. No, the strong attractive force acts only at incredibly small distances. As a result, only masses close enough to be within its range will combine.
  2. No, the strong attractive force acts only at large distances. As a result, only masses far enough apart will combine.
  3. Yes, the strong attractive force acts at any distance. As a result, all masses are fated to combine together at some point in the future.
  4. Yes, the strong attractive force acts at large distances. As a result, all masses are fated tocombine together at some point in the future.
How does the discussion of carrier particles relate to the concept of relativity?
  1. Calculations of mass and energy during their transfer are relativistic, because carrier particles travel more slowly than the speed of sound.
  2. Calculations of mass and energy during their transfer are relativistic, because carrier particles travel at or near the speed of light.
  3. Calculations of mass and energy during their transfer are relativistic, because carrier particles travel at or near the speed of sound.
  4. Calculations of mass and energy during their transfer are relativistic, because carrier particles travel faster than the speed of light.
Why are synchrotrons constructed to be very large?
  1. By using a large radius, high particle velocities can be achieved using a large centripetal force created by large electromagnets.
  2. By using a large radius, high particle velocities can be achieved without a large centripetal force created by large electromagnets.
  3. By using a large radius, the velocities of particles can be reduced without a large centripetal force created by large electromagnets.
  4. By using a large radius, the acceleration of particles can be decreased without a large centripetal force created by large electromagnets.

23.2 Quarks

40. In this image, how does the emission of the gluon cause the down quark to change from a red color to a green color?

The figure has two equations R right arrow G plus R G and R G plus G right arrow R. A vertical time axis and horizontal x-axis or distance is in the bottom left hand corner of the schematic relating to these equations. Inside of the axis are five spheres, three in a diagonal pattern are red with two green ones on either side of the filled diagonal. The two equations are showing the process by which the R, red d sphere, and G, green s sphere, react with a creation of the R G, red g sphere, by the R, red d
Figure 23.23
  1. The emitted red gluon is made up of a green and a red color. As a result, the down quark changes from a red color to a green color.
  2. The emitted red gluon is made up of an anti-green and an anti-red color. As a result, the down quark changes from a red color to a green color.
  3. The emitted red gluon is made up of a green and an anti-red color. As a result, the down quark changes from a red color to a green color.
  4. The emitted red gluon is made up of an anti-green and a red color. As a result, the down quark changes from a red color to a green color.

Neutrinos are much more difficult for scientists to find when compared to other hadrons and leptons. Why is this?

  1. Neutrinos are hadrons, and they lack charge.
  2. Neutrinos are not hadrons, and they lack charge.
  3. Neutrinos are hadrons, and they have positive charge.
  4. Neutrinos are not hadrons, and they have a positive charge.
What happens to the masses of a particle and its antiparticle when the two annihilate?
  1. The masses of the particle and antiparticle are transformed into energy in the form of photons.
  2. The masses of the particle and antiparticle are converted into kinetic energy of the particle and antiparticle respectively.
  3. The mass of the antiparticle is converted into kinetic energy of the particle.
  4. The mass of the particle is converted into radiation energy of the antiparticle.
When a star erupts in a supernova explosion, huge numbers of electron neutrinos are formed in nuclear reactions. Such neutrinos from the 1987A supernova in the relatively nearby Magellanic Cloud were observed within hours of the initial brightening, indicating that they traveled to earth at approximately the speed of light. Explain how this data can be used to set an upper limit on the mass of the neutrino.
  1. If the velocity of the neutrino is known, then the upper limit on mass of the neutrino can be set.
  2. If only the kinetic energy of the neutrino is known, then the upper limit on mass of the neutrino can be set.
  3. If either the velocity or the kinetic energy is known, then the upper limit on the mass of the neutrino can be set.
  4. If both the kinetic energy and the velocity of the neutrino are known, then the upper limit on the mass of the neutrino can be set.

The term force carrier particle is shorthand for the scientific term vector gauge boson. From that perspective, can the Higgs boson truly be considered a force carrier particle?

  1. No, the mass quality provided by the Higgs boson is a scalar quantity.
  2. Yes, the mass quality provided by the Higgs boson results in a change of particle’s direction.

23.3 The Unification of Forces


If a Grand Unified Theory is proven and the four forces are unified, it will still be correct to say that the orbit of the Moon is determined by the gravitational force. Explain why.

  1. Gravity will not be a property of the unified force.
  2. Gravity will be just one property of the unified force.
  3. Apart from gravity, no other force depends on the mass of the object.
  4. Apart from gravity, no other force can make an object move in a fixed orbit.

As the universe expanded and temperatures dropped, the strong nuclear force separated from the electroweak force. Is it likely that under cooler conditions, the force of electricity will separate from the force of magnetism?

  1. No, the electric force relies on the magnetic force and vice versa.
  2. Yes, the electric and magnetic forces can be separated from each other.
Two pool balls collide head-on and stop. Their original kinetic energy is converted to heat and sound. Given that this is not possible for particles, what happens to their converted energy?
  1. The kinetic energy is converted into potential energy, governed by the equation E = m c h .
  2. The kinetic energy is converted into mass, governed by the equation E = m 2 c .
  3. The kinetic energy is converted into potential energy, governed by the equation E = m g h .
  4. Their kinetic energy is converted into mass, governed by the equation E = m c 2 .