TEKS Talk - SLA Response image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed.

Deles a los estudiantes una historia corta y hágales preguntas específicas acerca del texto. Cuando respondan a la pregunta, ellos deberán ofrecer evidencia del texto que los apoye.


  • Los estudiantes pueden usar códigos de color o números para relacionar las respuestas que dan con la evidencia textual. Por ejemplo, a la pregunta número 1 que deban responder, pueden colocar el número 1 en la parte del texto donde ven evidencia de apoyo.
  • Los estudiantes pueden usar colores para identificar en un texto evidencia que necesiten. Por ejemplo, si les preguntan por la idea central de un párrafo, pueden marcar en color amarillo la parte del texto que piensan es la idea central. Luego, podrían usar el color verde para identificar oraciones de apoyo a la idea central.


Cuide que los textos sean breves al principio para ir construyendo persistencia en la lectura poco a poco en los estudiantes. 

An appropriate response is one in which a student supports the response by identifying the part of the text that supports it, paraphrasing the part in the text that supports it, underlining or highlighting the part in the text that supports it, and/or naming the page that supports it. The difference between second grade and first grade is that by second grade, students are expected to do this independently, without adult support.
Students are expected to use information taken directly from texts to justify their responses. In second grade, text evidence may involve a student pointing to the part of the text that reinforces the student’s response. It may even be students color coding, highlighting, underlining, or numbering a specific sentence in a text to support a written or oral response. It is important that students understand that their responses must be based on actual ideas presented in a reading piece and not on their personal opinions about the topic being discussed.