TEKS Talk - SLA Vocabulary image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired vocabulary expressively.

Sinónimos y antónimos

Use una rápida evaluación de esta destreza.

Elabore un póster con dos columnas en las que aparezcan algunas palabras en una columna y sus sinónimos en la otra. Los estudiantes deben relacionar correctamente las dos columnas a partir de la identificación de palabras sinónimas. Lea una oración usando la primera palabra de la columna de la izquierda y los alumnos participarán individualmente para decir qué palabra de la columna derecha es sinónimo de la palabra leída. Por cada respuesta correcta, trace una línea uniendo las dos palabras del póster. El póster puede quedarse en exhibición varios días para ayudarles a los estudiantes a recordar las palabras ligadas.


Escriba ejemplos de modismos en el pizarrón y discuta con los estudiantes en clase el significado que piensan que tiene cada uno.


Deles a los estudiantes una lista de palabras y pídales que escriban los dos significados de cada palabra (por ej. banco, vela, mango).

Ejemplo de evaluación:

  • Encierra en un círculo la letra que tiene el significado correcto en el siguiente contexto: El mango estaba delicioso.
  1. Fruta
  2. Parte de una herramienta
An important aspect of understanding the Spanish language is recognizing that some words share spellings but mean different things (homographs). The following are some examples of homographs, traje (suit) /traje (brought), alce (raise)/ alce (moose). Students should pay particular attention to the context of homographs to identify the meaning an author is trying to convey.
Students should understand that words in the Spanish language can relate to other words by conveying an opposite meaning (antonyms) or sharing the same or similar meaning (synonyms). When students can recognize these relationships, they can choose the most precise and effective word to communicate an idea, justify that choice, and understand the use of these words by others. Students should be aware of the precise imagery an antonym can express. For example, the sentence Ana estaba contenta con su calificación, pero Omar no lo estaba is improved when an antonym for contenta is used: Ana estaba contenta con su calificación, pero Omar estaba molesto. Students should also be aware that synonymous words are not necessarily interchangeable. Replacing a word with a synonym that sounds more advanced or impressive but is not appropriate in context can actually confuse the meaning of the sentence. For example, although listo and inteligente can act as synonyms when describing that someone is smart, students should know not to replace the word listo with inteligente in the sentence, Javier estaba listo para ir a la escuela desde muy temprano, because listo is being used to describe that Javier was ready to go to school and not that he was smart.
An important part of understanding the Spanish language is recognizing when words and phrases rely on figurative rather than literal language to communicate an idea. Idioms are expressions that use figurative language to create imagery that is intended to make the idea being expressed more familiar to the recipient. For example, the expression echar una mano refers to the act of helping somebody. Students should be aware of common idiomatic expressions. They should have the opportunity to identify and explain the comparisons being drawn so they are able to not only interpret idioms they hear or read, but also are able to incorporate them effectively into their own communications. They will need to provide adequate context to support the recipient of the message in determining the intended use of the idioms.