writing process TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process. The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.

Use los siguientes criterios de evaluación para checar el progreso de los estudiantes con el objetivo de que dominen esta expectativa estudiantil. Esta expectativa debe ser evaluada tanto al momento en que los estudiantes están desarrollando borradores como al momento en que los han finalizado.

Ejemplo de criterios de evaluación:

1) El estudiante es incapaz de editar correctamente borradores para usar conjunciones coordinantes y formar sujetos y predicados complejos, incluso con la ayuda de un adulto.

2) El estudiante es capaz, en forma inconsistente, de editar correctamente borradores para usar conjunciones coordinantes y formar sujetos y predicados complejos, con la ayuda de un adulto.

3) El estudiante es capaz, en forma consistente, de editar correctamente borradores para usar conjunciones coordinantes y formar sujetos y predicados complejos, con la ayuda de un adulto.

4) El estudiante es capaz, en forma independiente, de editar correctamente borradores para usar conjunciones coordinantes y formar sujetos y predicados complejos.

Sentences can have two (or more) subjects that have the same syntactical value in a sentence and share the same verb/predicate. These subjects will be joined by a coordinating conjunction to indicate their relationship. For example, in the sentence El martes o el jueves puedo ir a patinar contigo, the conjunction o indicates that one of two options (martes o jueves) can be chosen to ir a patinar (go skating).
Students are expected to use coordinating conjunctions in their writing as a tool to establish the relationship between words, phrases, or independent clauses in a sentence. This link will indicate a relationship based on cause and effect, opposition, alternatives, or the addition or negation of equally important ideas or details. For example, in the sentence, A mis padres les gusta la comida italiana, aunque su favorita es la mexicana, the coordinating conjunction aunque makes it clear what the speaker’s parents’ favorite type of food is.
Editing is a stage in the writing process when a written text is prepared for an audience by attending to and correcting mechanics, grammar, and spelling. Applying the standards of the English language correctly helps the audience more easily comprehend the information because it is not having to interrupt thinking to determine what the writer intended to say.
Students should be able to use predicates to correctly assert or deny something about the subject of a sentence. The predicate is the part of the sentence containing the verb or verbs that express the actions of the subject. For example, in the sentence Los delfines nadan a una velocidad impresionante, the predicate nadan a una velocidad impresionante, expresses the action of the subject Los delfines (they swim at an amazing speed).
Elementos lingüísticos que ayudan a que la escritura sea comprensible y clara (por ej., ortografía, puntuación, mayúsculas, gramática).